Better is one day in your courts than a thousand elsewhere; I would rather be a doorkeeper in the house of my God, than dwell in the tents of the wicked. (Psalms 84:10 NIV)
Audio/Visual | Deacon CJ Adetona
Assistant Church Clerk | Kizzy Dewitt-Smith
Deacons | Deacons Charlie Jones & April Gist
Fellowship Ministry | Deacon Leroy Haggans
Generation Next | Selina Daniels
Hands Unto the Lord (Deaf Ministry) | Arneta Mayes
The MAAFA| Min. Jerry Simmons
Men's Fellowship | Deacon Dan Gardner
Missionary Ministry | Joyce Meyers
Music Ministry | Magnolia Barnes
New Disciples Ministry | Frances Spinks
Nurses Ministry | Betty Hill
Prayer Ministry | Reverend Alicia Tyson-Sherwood
ReEntry Network | Deacon Luis Febres
R.E.F.U.G.E | Reverend Velva Jean Tucker
Sisters at the Well | Tamiko Collier
Trustees | Ralph Council
Ushers Ministry | Liza Clark